First Black Student to Reside at Centenary

Submitted by Stephen Pitters ’71

I am Stephen Pitters ’71. I was the first black student to reside on the campus of Centenary College in 1967. There are many social challenges that I encountered in my four years. My thanks go out to the teachers such as Dean Thad Marsh, Miss Alexander of the drama dept. Dr. Pledger, Fr. Paul. The list is long. My roommate Mike Strausser and the folks who looked after me that I didn't know until 50 years later. I would be remiss if I didn't mention Steve Caraway, Ken Fisher and Lidell Smith. They are those who treated me with courtesy and respect. I can only say look at the Yoncopin yearbook of 1968. I am happy that so much has changed since my time there when I was alone and surviving one day at a time.


A Listening Ear in a Challenging Time